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This skier attempted to jump on a rail at a considerable height. Unfortunately, he missed the rail while landing and fell. Thankfully, he didn't seem hurt as he...
At a ski resort, a skier leaped off a ramp and tried a triple frontflip. However after performing the flips, they were unable to gain a foothold during their la...
This skier sped towards this bent handrail and jumped on it. He tried to grind over the lip, then jump off and land on the ground. However, he flailed in the ai...
This skier attempted to perform a bungee trick from the other side of the wall. Unfortunately, his bungee came off, and he crashed into a puddle of snow. He see...
This skier attempted to perform a 360-degree jump from the mountain. Unfortunately, he didn't land well. He tumbled and crashed into the snow after his fall....